Upcoming Meeting:

We look forward to seeing you at our next meeting!

Board Business

Lander County Conservation District has meetings the 2nd Tuesday of every month at 5:30pm at 815 N. 2nd Street or via conference call in line/video link.

-Odd numbered months are for business.

-Even numbered months are for speakers/presenters.

-Emergency meetings are planned as needed.

Contact us for more information and/ or supporting documents for meetings.

Lander County Conservation District

Board Supervisor Elections:

Every 2, evened numbered years 3 board supervisor seats with 2 year terms are open for election. Either a mass election meeting will be held within the first 10 days of November, or interested parties to fill out ballot paperwork through the Lander County Clerk. Contact our office for more information.

Election NRS-


Previous Meetings and Minutes: